Friday, February 26, 2010

Check out the trailer for the #boondocksaints anniversary event: Boondock Saints.


Well American Idol sent 4 packin last night. Janell Wheeler was the first to go and Yeah! I never thought she should have gotten through in the first place. Next Ashley Rodriguez! I was a little shocked. I think being at the beginning of the show hurt her. She is super cute and someone should put her on a TV show.

Next the boys..... Joe Munoz! What!? He did very well the night before and I think Tim should have gotten the boot. You hear that Tim, you better bring it or I'm going to hand you your ass. Then it was down to Tyler and Alex. Personally I didn't want either of them to go home but Alex pulled it out and sent our 70's rocker home to roost. Tyler seemed shocked and I agreed with him that the stuff that he got from the judges seemed a little too late. Don't tell the guy you love his look and style and then tell him on performance night that he needs to change his look and stye... weird anyway he will be fine and I'm not too broken up about it at this stage in the game. Allison and Kris both performed and killed it. If you don't have their albums go get them. They are both really good. Ally is a rockin chick and I hope she does really well.

Peace out yo,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

American Idol!

Well last night was the first night of the top 24. We started with the girls and typically this first night totally blows. Everyone is too nervous and last night wasn't too much different. Granted the girls are stronger this year but I'm not sure I saw a star in the mix. I did however see some potential in Didi, Crystal and Lily.

First I have to say I didn't get the judges problem last night. Didi did an amazing job with her song and they trashed her. WTF? She looked great, seemed very comfortable on stage and sang the crap out of the song. I don't get it sometimes. She sang the most current song and sang it well and that didn't seem to be enough for all of them. Crystal did her thing and although that wasn't my favorite performance from her she is still a top girl for me. Lily surprised everyone by doing an unknown Beatles song "Fixing an Hole" I literally screamed cause that happens to be one of my favorites! So bonus to her for pulling that off.

Tonight the boys try to knock it out of the park. Let's see who has it and who chokes.

Peace out yo!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Boondock Saints on the big screen!

Check out the trailer for the #boondocksaints anniversary event: Boondock Saints. -

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Boondock Saints on the big screen!

Listen people if you by some crazy chance have not seen Boondock Saints then run don't walk to the Hollywood 14 and buy your ticket for the big screen re-release on March 11th at 7:30. One time only!!

Monday, February 1, 2010