Friday, January 29, 2010

Boondock Saints 10th Anniversary Party

Well the best night ever is all I can say. HUGE fan of the movie for anyone who knows me and it just happened that I was in LA at the same time as the party. My roommate Lanie was kind enough to drive us downtown to go to the amazing party. EVERYONE was there! Here is the proof. Boo to the ya!


Deana said...

You are too cute. Am I crazy or is that the same top Nikki was wearing in some of the CHA photos? You two must spend TOO much time together! LOL!

Looks like you had a fun time.

TGIF & have a great weekend! :-)

The Graphic Bee said...

Hahahaha yeah good catch on the top! I love that shirt so I snagged it from her! We had a great time :)